Helen describes her artwork ‘Te Whare O Te Tangata’ as follows:
This house is for the people. It is somewhere for the homeless to live in so they can be happy. I made it because I wanted a lovely marae where we can all go to.
Art makes me feel happy.
I used Harakeke (flax), onion and wild ginger paper in my design. The tangata is made from recycled paper. I decorated the people and the carvings with ink pen.
Ko Ron Owen toku papa
Ko Sarah Owen toku mama
Ko Moehau toku marae
Ko Nga Puhi te iwi
Ko Helen Stutt toku ingoa
Helen’s Marae is lit by 2x battery operated LED tea lights.
(HxLxW) 19x33x23 cm
*** if you think this artwork is worth more than $60 and would like to pay more – please buy and contact us to make an additional payment. Please note that the artists have decided to split the total sales revenue equally between them ***