Twinkle Twinkle Little Star by Nicole Shortrdige


1 in stock


Nicole describes her artwork ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ as follows:

I love to draw; it makes me happy. I love bright colours and to create art. I feel happy when people see my art work.

I made a gaming lamp as I am a gamer. I used hand made paper in green and yellow. I used dyed paper to punch out little stars and used them to decorate my lamp. I made a star to hang within the star light.

Nicole’s sculpture has been created around a purchased LED star light.

Dimensions: (HxWxD) 26x30x30 cm

*** if you think this artwork is worth more than $60 and would like to pay more – please buy and contact us to make an additional payment.  Please note that the artists have decided to split the total sales revenue equally between them ***