Kolourful Kitty Litter


Meeow! Introducing Kolourful Kitty Litter. Made from our recycled, recycled handmade paper! Super absorbent, odour free and totally recyclable.



Meeow! Introducing Kolourful Kitty Litter. Made from our recycled, recycled handmade paper! Super absorbent, odour free and totally recyclable.

We use a lot of our handmade paper for creating our artwork and we always have bits and pieces left over which we then recycle again and crumble into our Kolourful Kitty Litter.

We’ve tested this stuff on our own feline pets and were amazed at how long it lasted (8 weeks! could have been longer but decided surely we have to change this out now). The best thing was, it didn’t pong and when emptied nothing was stuck to the tray (have you used the clay stuff) super absorbent.

Available in litre amounts. We recommend that you cover the tray you use 2-4cm deep with Kolour Kitty Litter.